Jetpack Compose: LottieSwipeRefreshIndicator
Jun 23, 2021
Simplest way to use Lottie Files as a SwipeRefreshLayout
Just a quick note, here is how to use CustomSwipeRefresh in accompanist using LottieRefreshIndicator
Use it in coordination with accompanist swipe refresh
Be sure to add this library in the build.gralde
implementation “”
var loading by viewModel.loading.collectAsState() //observerAsState for livedata
state = rememberSwipeRefreshState(isRefreshing = !loading),
onRefresh = {
indicator = { state, trigger ->
LottieRefreshIndicator(state = state, refreshTriggerDistance = trigger, animation = R.raw.monitor_progress)
) {
Here is the LottieRefreshIndicator file:
Visit the example here at